
Tuscan Paint Colors

2nd in a series on Tuscan Decorating 
Tuscan paint colors represent the natural beauty of an Italian countryside. Learn how to create the Tuscan color palette that will compliment your home.
If you have made the decision to create your own personal Tuscan style home and decor, you've already established a Tuscan color palette. The key is to decide how to use these colors:

  • Golden Yellows

  • Terra Cotta

  • Olive/Sage/Leafy Greens

  • Natural Brown/Ochre

  • Warm Orange

  • Vibrant Blues

  • And...a touch of White

Here is a tip to make things a little easier and something that I always suggest to my clients:
Find a piece of fabric, a magazine picture, photo, or a simple combination of something that will provide a visual example of the Tuscan paint colors you are going to use. (I know someone who carried a very small 'bouquet' of silk flowers in the shades of her selected color palette and it worked well for her!)

Or, visit your local paint store and look for the color samples that are offered in combinations, and hone in on the selections that emphasize nature, natural colors and the beautiful shades found in the photo on this page. You may find a sample palette that is quite close to the Tuscan color scheme.

Once you have your palette in hand (literally), you are ready to decide how to use these beautiful Tuscan colors in your home.

Alway keep in the forefront of your design and decor planning that Tuscan decorating is the utilization of natural elements...simple...not pretentious...colorful yet not overbearing.

The more natural light a space receives, the more intense color can be used on the walls, if desired. To keep the living room light, choose yellow or gold tones. For a vibrant energy, choose red or orange tones.
The natural shades of brown, ochre and even sage/leafy green can be a great choice as well. Think about the colors you really enjoy seeing, because the wall color will be quite prominent in the space.

If you are a person who likes things a little more neutral overall, use warm golds, light browns or consider an off white with undertones of tan or gold. Then, use the more vibrant colors in accents, possibly in an area rug, artwork, pottery or on an accent wall.

Remember that white is almost always found somewhere in Tuscan colors, along with natural browns and brownish reds.

Combine your Tuscan colors with natural, nubby fabrics, colorful accents and you can create an authentic Tuscan look in your home.
  Read more about Tuscan Paint Colors